I am no fan of Vladimir Putin and I have real questions about what is motivating his recent actions, but I have to say that these words from his major essay in today's New York Times are to me deeply true and resonate with what I felt when I heard Obama say his piece about American exceptionalism in his Tuesday night speech. (Kudos to Mark Silk for making me aware of Putin's words.)
"I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is 'what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.' It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal."
Talking about the global common good and religion's role in promoting it here and around the world.
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
A New Way to Fight AIDS in Africa
The staggering numbers surrounding AIDS in Africa can leave us numb and paralyzed to act, but a new program under development by my good friend Todd Thomas offers a clear way for us to get involved and make a positive difference. Todd, building on his years of service in Africa, has begun a new nonprofit called Change Crowd. As he describes it, "Change Crowd will be a nonprofit that purchases and delivers antiretrovirals to HIV infected people across the world, beginning on the African continent, by creating a donor base (crowd) of people giving only $10 a month!"
More details on this important new work are available at the indiegogo website that Change Crowd has developed to raise the initial seed money for the project. I hope you will check it out!
More details on this important new work are available at the indiegogo website that Change Crowd has developed to raise the initial seed money for the project. I hope you will check it out!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Russia’s—and U.S.A.’s—Dirty Hands on Chemical Weapons
News of Russia’s proposal to help eliminate Syria’s chemical
weapons naturally brings out American suspicions about how genuine Russia’s
efforts are. After all, the argument goes, hasn’t Russia been a supplier ofweapons to Syria for years? How can we trust their intentions?
The problem with that argument is that it assumes that a
country must have a pure heart and clean hands in order to contribute to a
diplomatic effort. If that were so, then the United States would hardly be in a
good position to be lecturing Syria and Russia about their attitudes towards
chemical weapons. After all, as recently released records, the United States
played a significant role in enabling the last great user of chemical weapons
in the Middle East, Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Check out the complete report, but
here is a portion of a story in the WashingtonPost:
Policy published a disturbing article over the weekend about U.S.
complicity in Iraq’s use of chemical weapons against Iran in the 1980s.
Recently declassified CIA documents uncovered by the magazine and interviews
with experts reveal that not only did the U.S. government know that Iraq was
using chemical weapons in the conflict earlier than disclosed, it gave
satellite intelligence to Iraqi forces that helped them plan future chemical
weapon offenses:
In 1988,
during the waning days of Iraq’s war with Iran, the United States learned
through satellite imagery that Iran was about to gain a major strategic
advantage by exploiting a hole in Iraqi defenses. U.S. intelligence officials
conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that [Saddam]
Hussein’s military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a
lethal nerve agent.
The intelligence included imagery and maps about Iranian troop
movements, as well as the locations of Iranian logistics facilities and details
about Iranian air defenses. The Iraqis used mustard gas and sarin prior to four
major offensives in early 1988 that relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and
other intelligence.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Saudis Announce Support For US Strikes: What Does THAT Mean?
The front page of the Washington Post announced the news: “Kerry:
Saudis Support a Strike”, which elicited an instinctual response from me of “Is
this good news?” I suppose that for a Secretary of State stumbling to find any
international support for the course of action he has led the president
towards, any kind of Arab support will qualify as a victory. But having the support
of Saudi Arabia raises far more questions than it answers. While President
Obama has gone to lengths to describes his military plans as being unintended
to draw America into Syria’s civil war, Saudi Arabia has been an active
supplier of arms and has been a key part of a plan that has CIA operatives
actively training and supplying Syrian rebels. While Kerry sees Saudi support
as a good sign, I see it as a sign that this proposed attack is about much more
than just chemical weapons and that it is very much tied to an increasingly
active intervention by the United States into the heart of the Syrian civil
war. This perspective has been more fully developed by Adam Entous of The Wall Street Journal. Entous was
interviewed this past Friday on Democracy Now! Here is an excerpt from that
eye-opening discussion.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, your article provides enormous detail—for instance, the
role of Jordan and the training, not only by the CIA, but by Saudi forces.
Could you talk about Jordan’s role now in the training of the rebels?
ADAM ENTOUS: Right. So, what happened was, is, initially, the Saudis, Qatar,
Turkey and, to a certain extent, the CIA in more of an observatory capacity,
had set up their operations for arming the rebels out of Turkey. And about a
year ago, a little over a year ago, you know, the Saudis were watching as these
arms were flowing in, and were concerned that they were going to what the
Saudis and what the Americans would consider to be the wrong rebels, and this
would include Islamist groups, Muslim Brotherhood-connected groups. And so they
decided to pull out of Turkey and move to Jordan.
They convinced the king of Jordan,
who was a little—a little bit reticent initially to accept this being done in
their territory, because they were worried about reprisals, where, for example,
there are large refugee camps for Palestinians just north of the Jordan-Syria
border, inside Syria, and the fear for the Jordanians was that the Syrians
would literally push those refugees into Jordan and further destabilize the
kingdom. What we found in our reporting is, is that Bandar spent many hours
with the king and with his military chiefs, reassuring them that the Saudis
would support the Jordanians through this. And then CIA Director David Petraeus
was involved, as well, in helping assure the Jordanians that the U.S. would
have Jordan’s back.
And last summer they created this
operation center. And what would happen—what is happening now is you have
actually more CIA officers now there at that base than there are Saudi
personnel. They fly weapons in. The Saudis are the ones who are doing the bulk
of this. They buy the weapons in—largely in places like Eastern Europe, to a
certain extent Libya, and they bring them to this base, which has a landing
strip and storehouses for the weapons to be stored. The Saudis and the
Jordanians draw on defectors, largely, from the Syrian military, which already
have a good degree of military training. And they’re brought to this base,
where different intel agencies train them. And the Americans are there. The
Brits are there. The French are there. The Saudis, UAE is there. And they train
them, and then they send them into the fight. And this—but very, very slowly,
this process has been built up over the last couple months.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And you report, as well, again in a replay of Afghanistan, that
the CIA is not only training some of these rebels, but actually has put key
figures of the Free Syrian Army on the payroll.
ADAM ENTOUS: Right. It’s a very interesting development, which we learned of
as part of the reporting, which is, you know, we are—you know, the United
States is not at war with Syria, so this is obviously being done covertly with
the CIA. The Saudis were instrumental in getting the CIA to agree to pay these
salaries. And the idea is, if these—if these FSA commanders receive American
money, the U.S. is building loyalty and building relationships that would last
into the future. And that’s the main rationale with these payments that are
being made.
And it’s part of, generally, an
effort by the Saudis to gradually increase the extent of the U.S. investment in
the war in Syria. And it’s been slow-going, as far as the Saudis are concerned,
because the CIA is—remains, you know, divided and skeptical about whether or
not this is—this has a chance of succeeding. And that’s why you see, for
example, the number of CIA-trained rebels entering Syria is incredibly small,
given the number of months that this has been going on. For example,
Congressman—excuse me, Senators McCain and Graham were told on Monday by Obama
that an initial group of 50 rebels trained by the CIA were getting ready to
enter, and this is after months of work at this base in Jordan, and the number
is incredibly small.
AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about Saudi Arabia, Prince Bandar and the chemical
weapons story?
ADAM ENTOUS: Right. So, you know, as you know, the U.S. right now is poised
for military action in response to a very large alleged case of chemical
weapons use on August 21st. You know, over the course of the last year, there
have been these scattered reports of chemical weapons being used in much
smaller quantities. Generally speaking, the U.S. intelligence community has
been skeptical initially of those. The Saudis played an early and important
role in trying to bring evidence of chemical weapon use to the West for
analysis. And we were told, as part of the research for the story, that the
Saudis had a—were brought by members of the Free Syrian Army, which is the
Western-backed rebel group, a Syrian who had been exposed to an agent, a
chemical agent. The Saudis arranged for that Syrian to be flown to Britain for
treatment and to be tested. What the British found when they did the testing
was that this Syrian was exposed to sarin gas, which the U.S. and British and
French intelligence believe is only in the possession of the Syrian regime.
That was sort of the first case that was—offered credible evidence that
chemical weapons had been used.
And what you saw in the months that
followed was, first, Saudi intelligence, so Bandar’s intelligence agency,
concluded that chemical weapons were being used on a small scale by the regime.
Followed by that, the Brits and the French were convinced of the same
conclusion. It took U.S. intelligence agencies really until—until June to reach
that conclusion. And that’s what led the Obama administration, at least
publicly—it was cited by the Obama administration as the trigger for Obama’s
decision to instruct the CIA and authorize the CIA to start arming the rebels
at this Jordan base.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Now, you write not only about the role of Prince Bandar, but
also the current Saudi ambassador to the United States and his close
connections to Senators McCain and Lindsey Graham and also to the Obama
administration. Could you elaborate?
ADAM ENTOUS: Sure. So, Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir replaced Bandar as the
ambassador here, and he is—you know, has the kind of access to the circles of
power in Washington that few, if any, ambassadors have. He gets meetings with
the president. He meets constantly with the top White House advisers, as well
as members of Congress. And he sort of used the Saudi playbook from the 1980s
in Afghanistan…Well, in the case of Syria, the Saudis identified the core group
as being Senators McCain, Senator Graham and former—former Senator Lieberman.
That was the core group. And then Adel al-Jubeir, the ambassador—
AMY GOODMAN: We have about five seconds, Adam.
ADAM ENTOUS: —worked to expand—sure—worked to expand that out to bring more
people in, and in the end built a great deal more support within Congress for
arming the rebels.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Pope's Challenge: "Conquer Your Deadly Reasoning"
"We have
perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened
our ideas to justify ourselves. As if it were normal, we continue to sow
destruction, pain, death! Violence and war lead only to death, they speak of
death! Violence and war are the language of death!"
Pope Francis, September 7.
Pope Francis, September 7.
In an extraordinary message
delivered today at the Vatican’s 4-hour vigil for peace Pope Francis issued a
ringing call, deeply rooted in biblical humanism, for an interfaith peace
movement that will move humanity away from weapons and the logic of war. It is
a brilliant meditation, sure to last as one of the most timely papal statements on war and peace in modern times. Here are some of the most striking passages to me:
God’s world is a world where everyone feels responsible for the
other, for the good of the other. This evening, in reflection, fasting and
prayer, each of us deep down should ask ourselves: Is this really the world
that I desire? Is this really the world that we all carry in our hearts? Is the
world that we want really a world of harmony and peace, in ourselves, in our
relations with others, in families, in cities, in and between nations? And does
not true freedom mean choosing ways in this world that lead to the good of all
and are guided by love?...
I would like for each one of us, from the least to the greatest,
including those called to govern nations, to respond: Yes, we want it! My
Christian faith urges me to look to the Cross. How I wish that all men and
women of good will would look to the Cross if only for a moment! There, we can
see God’s reply: violence is not answered with violence, death is not answered
with the language of death. In the silence of the Cross, the uproar of weapons
ceases and the language of reconciliation, forgiveness, dialogue, and peace is
Let everyone be moved to look into the depths of his or her
conscience and listen to that word which says: Leave behind the self-interest
that hardens your heart, overcome the indifference that makes your heart
insensitive towards others, conquer your deadly reasoning, and open yourself to
dialogue and reconciliation. Look upon your brother’s sorrow and do not add to
it, stay your hand, rebuild the harmony that has been shattered; and all this
achieved not by conflict but by encounter!
The Bacevich Moment
When I studied under Andrew
Bacevich 15 years ago his was a voice in the wilderness. Now, sadly he would
say given all of the suffering that has happened in the years since, his voice
is the most credible representative of the vast majority of the American
people. Where the clear majority of the people in this country country is now—disgusted
by failed interventions, tired of continued fear-mongering and ready to reject
an imperial president’s wishes—is where Bacevich has been for two decades. His
interview with Phil Dononhue for the PBS show Moyers & Company is the clearest, most historically grounded
and morally insightful expression I have heard in this debate. Be sure to see
it. This is a moment when perhaps the American people will begin to dig deeper into how we have arrived at this moment. Here is a summary of his appearance:
With the probability of
American intervention, Syria is everywhere in the news. Phil Donahue,
filling in for Bill Moyers, speaks with historian and Vietnam veteran Andrew
Bacevich about America’s role in the world and the possible repercussions
of our actions in the Middle East. Given what we know about what’s going
on in Syria, is a U.S. response justified? And if we take action, where and
when does it stop? Is a military response justified and if we take action,
where does it stop?
“If you think back to 1980,” Bacevich tells Donahue, “and just
sort of tick off the number of military enterprises that we have been engaged
in that part of the world, large and small, you know, Beirut, Afghanistan, Iraq,
Yemen, Somalia — and on and on, and ask yourself, ‘What have we got done? What
have we achieved? Is the region becoming more stable? Is it becoming more
Democratic? Are we enhancing America’s standing in the eyes of the people
of the Islamic world?’ ‘The answers are, ‘No, no, and no.’ So why, Mr.
President, do you think that initiating yet another war in this protracted
enterprise is going to produce a different outcome?”
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Dowd on Obama
Maureen Dowd can be rude and crude, but she can also be right on target as she is in her latest column. She concludes with this:
"Back in 2007, Obama said he would not want to run an administration that was 'Bush-Cheney lite.' He doesn’t have to worry. With prisoners denied due process at Gitmo starving themselves, with the C.I.A. not always aware who it’s killing with drones, with an overzealous approach to leaks, and with the government’s secret domestic spy business swelling, there’s nothing lite about it."
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Deeper Issue with Spying on Verizon Callers
The explosive story, broke by The Guardian, detailing for the first time for the public the details of a seven year long court order forcing Verizon to turn over information on tens of millions of American customers phone calls reveals the extreme disconnect between what our government elites know about America's national security policy and what us commoners know about it. This disconnect was seen clearly today when Senators Feinstein and Chambliss reacted in shock to the commotion that The Guardian story has caused. To them, this is very old news and therefore very unsurprising. As Chambliss put it, “This is nothing particularly new.... Every member of the United States Senate has been advised of this.” Of course, all this calls to mind the efforts of Senators who grasp the significance of this policy and believe it should not have been kept secret from the American people. As the Washington Post puts it:
In a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. last year, Wyden and Udall said, “We believe most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of . . . these secret court opinions. As we see it, there is now a significant gap between what most Americans think the law allows and what the government secretly claim the law allows."
In a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. last year, Wyden and Udall said, “We believe most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of . . . these secret court opinions. As we see it, there is now a significant gap between what most Americans think the law allows and what the government secretly claim the law allows."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Medgar Evers and “Christian America”

The realities of White Christian America’s racial violence
is spelled out powerfully in Amy Louise Wood’s Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940. Particularly relevant is Wood’s chapter “A Hell of Fire on
Earth: Religion” where she spells out in vivid detail the ways that Christians
“defended…lynching…in spiritual terms” but also “infused the performance” of
racial violence “with Christian tropes and rituals.” (page 47) This was
Christian America at work in the decades before the sexual revolution and Roe
v. Wade and Barack Obama. Simplistic appeals to the virtues of that era should
not go unchallenged and the historical amnesia that such appeals rely on should
not be listened to.
A Nuclear Bomb Named Trinity

I can’t leave this subject without drawing out a further
point. Often times in discussions with conservative Christian friends I feel
such a profound disconnect because of their sense that the Christian character
of America is under some sort of new, profound threat. Some might place that
threat as coming from the cultural upheavals of the 1960s, others might point
to the Roe v. Wade decision in 1972, still others will see the current Obama
Administration as taking America on a decidedly post-Christian path. When I
engage in these conversations, as I have often over the last thirty years, I
feel such frustration at the historical amnesia reflected in these concerns.
And so I ask “What kind of a ‘Christian America’ produces a mindset in which a
nuclear bomb could be named Trinity? What kind of a Christian America is worth
defending that could so willingly coexist with idolatry of that level? At what
point do Christians in America ever face the reality that we live in a nation
as rooted in sin and alienation from God as any other nation and that our call
is not to prop up the Christian identity of any nation, but rather to live as
salt and light in whatever nation it is that we live in?”
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Isikoff on AP Leak Story: National Security or Press Intimidation?
In the Brave New post-9/11 World “national security” has
become a mantra uttered to justify and sanctify countless Executive Branch
actions. Today, President Obama made official his willingness to use national
security as justification for even the most draconian of measures—the unprecedented seizure of Associated Press records. Anyone who had hoped
that yesterday’s announprecedented secret seizure of Associated Press recorduncement of Administration support for a federal “shield law” designed to protect press freedoms was the precursor for an Obama apology
for the Justice Department’s actions was quickly disappointed by Obama’s
announcement today. Here is how the Washington Post is reporting Obama’s response to questions about the scandal:
Obama on Thursday strongly defended the Justice Department leaks investigation
that secretly gathered private phone records of Associated Press journalists,
suggesting that protecting U.S. personnel overseas outweighs press privileges
in this case.
“Leaks related to national security can put people at risk. They
can put men and women in uniform that I’ve sent into the battlefield at risk,”
Obama said during a news conference with visiting Turkish
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “And so I make no apologies, and I don’t
think the American people would expect me, as commander in chief, not to be
concerned about information that might compromise their missions or might get
them killed.”
What is really going on
here? Was the Obama administration really going after the Associated Press’s
records in order to identify the leaker or is the scope of their actions
against the AP indicative of an effort to punish the news organization for its
handling of the story? The story is still developing, but the brilliant
investigative reporter Michael Isikoff has a story now up that is filling in
the pieces:
Department and Associated Press officials clashed Tuesday over leaked
classified information that led the government to seize AP phone records, with
Attorney General Eric Holder saying it “put the American people at risk” and
the news organization’s chief executive insisting it delayed publishing its
story until it was assured “national security concerns had passed.”… Holder’s
comments and a letter from Deputy Attorney General James Cole defending the
seizure of the AP records – without notifying the news organization until last
week -- drew a stern response from AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt. He
blasted the action as "overbroad under the law," saying
that "more than 100 journalists work in the locations served by
those telephones."
than talk to us in advance, they seized these phone records in secret, saying
that notifying us would compromise their investigation," Pruitt said in a
statement late Tuesday. “They offer no explanation of this, however.
they captured the telephone numbers between scores of AP journalists and the
many people they talk to in the normal business of gathering news."
also defended the AP's decision to publish the story that apparently sparked
the leak investigation…
Pruitt on
Tuesday denied the article posed a threat to national security.
held that story until the government assured us that the national security
concerns had passed," he said. "Indeed, the White House was preparing
to publicly announce that the bomb plot had been foiled.
White House had said there was no credible threat to the American people in May
of 2012. The AP story suggested otherwise, and we felt that was important
information and the public deserved to know it."
statement came after he received a letter from
Cole, the deputy attorney general, which said "there was
a basis to believe" the phone numbers subpoenaed "were associated
with AP personnel involved in the reporting of classified information." He
said the subpoenas were "limited to a reasonable period of time" and
were only taken after all "alternative investigative steps had been taken
… including conducting over 550 interviews and reviewing tens of thousands
of documents."
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Obama's Worst Scandal--the Seizure of Associated Press Records
“An astonishing assault on core values of our society”
Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the Federation of American Scientists,
on the Obama Administrations seizure of AP records.
In what would seem to be the
worst two weeks of his entire time in office, President Obama is under scrutiny
with regards to three major issues: the IRS’s intentional focus on conservative
groups, the Benghazi tragedy and the seizing of massive amounts of Associated
Press (AP) records ostensibly to investigate a government leak concerning an
al-Quaeda plot. It is this final scandal, what the President of the AP has
called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into the
affairs of news organization by the federal government, that I find most
alarming. I say this not because I think the other two scandals are merely
political witch-hunts by Republicans, but because the AP story reflects actions
clearly and undeniably taken by people at the highest levels of the Executive
Branch in continuation of a policy of aggressive pursuing leaks. In other
words, the scandal of the AP story is not something that can be passed off on
to the actions of lower level officials (the defense so far for the IRS
scandal) or heat-of-the-moment responses to a security crisis (the Benghazi
story), but rather is an outgrowth of a major Obama Administration effort that
reaches to the highest levels of his Cabinet. This excerpt from a Washington
Post editorial explains the story well:
In a sweeping and unusual move, the Justice
Department secretly obtained two months’ worth of telephone records of
journalists working for the Associated Press as part of a year-long
investigation into the disclosure of classified information about a failed
al-Qaeda plot last year. The records listed outgoing calls from more than 20
work and personal phone lines in April and May 2012, the news agency said. It
said the number of journalists who used those lines during that period is
unknown but that more than 100 journalists work in the targeted offices.
Federal authorities obtained cellular,
office and home telephone records of individual reporters and an editor, as
well as records from AP general office numbers in Washington, New York and
Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters covering Congress, AP
President and Chief Executive Officer Gary B. Pruitt said Monday. He called the
Justice Department’s actions a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into
newsgathering activities.
The aggressive investigation into the
possible disclosure of classified information to the AP is part of a pattern in
which the Obama administration has pursued current and former government
officials suspected of releasing secret material. Six officials have been
prosecuted, more than under all previous administrations combined….In the AP
case, the news organization and its reporters and editors are not the likely
targets of the investigation. Rather, the inquiry is probably aimed at current
or former government officials who divulged classified information.
But experts said the scope of the records
secretly seized from the AP and its reporters goes beyond the known scale of
previous leak probes.
investigation is broader and less focused on an individual source or reporter
than any of the others we’ve seen,” said Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy
expert at the Federation of American Scientists. “They have swept up an entire
collection of press communications. It’s an astonishing assault on core values
of our society.”
Monday, May 13, 2013
Feminists for Life on Gosnell's Murder Conviction
The landmark case against Doctor Kermit Gosnell has ended in a powerful verdict by the jury finding Gosnell guilty of murder. The reverberations of this case will be felt for years to come, both in terms of the legal significance and the media coverage. I received these comments in an email from Serrin Foster, the President of Feminists for Life:
Feminists for Life first alerted you to the
horrors at the Gosnell West Philadelphia clinic in 2009 after two women and
untold numbers of babies died.
Today a jury of his peers found Kermit Gosnell
guilty on one count of involuntary manslaughter in the overdose death
of a woman undergoing an abortion at his clinic, three counts of
first-degree murder of premature infants forced into this world, as well as
several counts of performing abortions beyond the 24-week gestation limit under
Pennsylvania law. There were also other charges and convictions based on the
squalid conditions of his West Philadelphia clinic.
Thanks to pro-lifers and a few courageous
reporters and columnists, these atrocities have been brought to the attention
of many more people who now have an inkling of the desperation faced by women
who seek abortions and the cruel truth behind abortion and infanticide.
New technologies in fetal killing do nothing to
serve women or save their children.
May the surviving victims find healing, knowing
that they are welcome in Feminists for Life and at post-abortion groups such as
Rachel's Vineyard and Project Rachel.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Spiritual Ecumenism: Fiber or Fluff?

In preparation for the Forum, and as an outgrowth of my
growing friendship with Fr. Tom, I have been reading articles by him. He is a gifted writer whose insights grow out of decades of work as a Paulist priest focused in the area of
Christian unity. Here is a taste of his work from an article entitled “Spiritual
Ecumenism: Fiber of Fluff”:
Prayer is and will always hold the first
place in unity efforts because it is prayer that most changes our hearts, and
it is our hearts that most need to be changed.
The conversion implied begins with
ourselves, our ways of stereotyping others (“Orthodox always…”; “Anglicans do …”;
“Evangelicals say…;”), our smug sense of superiority, our lack of interest in
the changing understandings taking place between our church and another through
the dialogues….
Spiritual ecumenism is also an exchange of
spiritual gifts—contemplative and charismatic ways of praying, lectio divina,
devotional practices, the theology of icons, the tradition of spiritual
direction, effective approaches to youth and young adults, the practice of
annual retreats and monthly desert days, methods of singing, preaching, and
sharing the faith….
ecumenism must seek out and serve life. It must be concerned with everyday
human experiences as well as with the great questions of justice and peace and
the preservation of creation. Through the prayer and the sharing, our hearts
are turned more fully toward Christ, and the closer we come to him, the more we
discover ourselves in unity. And in the exchange of gifts, what is lacking in
each of our traditions finds its needed complement. The ecumenical endeavor
thus becomes a pilgrimage to the fullness of catholicity which Jesus Christ
intends for his Church.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Francis: "How Do We Overcome the Evil One?"

‘Father, what is the
weapon to defend against these seductions, from these blandishments, these
enticements that the prince of this world offers?’. The weapon is the same
weapon of Jesus, the Word of God…and then humility and meekness. We think of
Jesus, when they give that slap: what humility! What meekness! He could have
insulted him, no? One question, meek and humble. We think of Jesus in His
Passion. His Prophet says: ‘As a sheep going to the slaughter.’ He does not cry
out, not at all: humility. Humility and meekness. These are the weapons that
the prince and spirit of this world does not tolerate, for his proposals are
proposals for worldly power, proposals of vanity, proposals for ill-gotten
Monday, April 22, 2013
John Armstrong in DC on May 11
It’s getting close! May 11 is now just a matter of weeks days away and I am so looking forward to it. On that day John Armstrong
will be in Washington, DC to lead a Unity Factor Forum. I have been one of those
working to plan this event and I am so glad that the time is drawing near. As
regular readers of this blog know, John has had a great influence on me and I am a great supporter of the ACT 3 Network he leads. I am also an avid reader of his blog and his other types of writing. He is a gift to the whole Church and I look forward to this
special day with great anticipation for what God might do to deepen friendship
and shared mission among Christians from a variety of backgrounds in the DC
area. I hope you will consider coming yourself if you live in the area--you can register here--or
publicizing the event to others who you know that are in the area. I think it
will be a wonderful day of prayer, worship and thoughtful discussion.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Francis on Jonah, Japan and the Missional Church
I have begun a series of
posts digging into an amazing interview that Bergoglio gave in 2007 to the
international magazine 30 Days. In my first post I drew on an excerpt that spoke to his understanding of change in
order to suggest that there are substantive reasons to believe that he will
indeed be a pope who brings not only reform of the Curial bureaucracy but
reform doctrinally as well. This is not to say that he will be some sort of
anti-Benedict, but that he will be dramatically different.
In this respect I would
point to another section of the 30 Days
interview where Bergoglio draws on two stories, one from the biblical Jonah and
another from the experience of the church in Japan, to pointedly question the
clericalist direction of both the laity and the hierarchy. His reasoning
suggests a missional pope completely willing to upend the status quo if it is
coming between the mercy of God and the needs of the world. (The words in bold
are the interviewers)
I have told my
priests…:«If you can, rent a garage and, if you find some willing layman, let
him go there! Let him be with those people a bit, do a little catechesis and
even give communion if they ask him». A parish priest said to me: «But Father,
if we do this the people then won’t come to church». «But why?» I asked him: «Do
they come to mass now?» «No», he answered. And so! Coming out of oneself is
also coming out from the fenced garden of one’s own convictions, considered
irremovable, if they risk becoming an obstacle, if they close the horizon that
is also of God.
This is valid
also for lay people…
Their clericalization is a problem. The priests clericalize the laity and the
laity beg us to be clericalized… It really is sinful abetment. And to think
that baptism alone could suffice. I’m thinking of those Christian communities
in Japan that remained without priests for more than two hundred years. When
the missionaries returned they found them all baptized, all validly married for
the Church and all their dead had had a Catholic funeral. The faith had
remained intact through the gifts of grace that had gladdened the life of a
laity who had received only baptism and had also lived their apostolic mission
in virtue of baptism alone. One must not be afraid of depending only on His
tenderness… Do you know the biblical episode of the prophet Jonah?
I don’t
remember it. Tell us.
Jonah had everything clear. He had clear ideas about God, very clear ideas
about good and evil. On what God does and on what He wants, on who was faithful
to the Covenant and who instead was outside the Covenant. He had the recipe for
being a good prophet. God broke into his life like a torrent. He sent him to
Nineveh. Nineveh was the symbol of all the separated, the lost, of all the
peripheries of humanity. Of all those who are outside, forlorn. Jonah saw that
the task set on him was only to tell all those people that the arms of God were
still open, that the patience of God was there and waiting, to heal them with
His forgiveness and nourish them with His tenderness. Only for that had God
sent him. He sent him to Nineveh, but he instead ran off in the opposite
direction, toward Tarsis.
What he was fleeing was not so much Nineveh as the boundless love of God for
those people. It was that that didn’t come into his plans. God had come once… “and
I’ll see to the rest”: that’s what Jonah told himself. He wanted to do things
his way, he wanted to steer it all. His stubbornness shut him in his own
structures of evaluation, in his pre-ordained methods, in his righteous
opinions. He had fenced his soul off with the barbed wire of those certainties
that instead of giving freedom with God and opening horizons of greater service
to others had finished by deafening his heart. How the isolated conscience
hardens the heart! Jonah no longer knew that God leads His people with the
heart of a Father.
A great many
of us can identify with Jonah.
certainties can become a wall, a jail that imprisons the Holy Spirit. Those who
isolate their conscience from the path of the people of God don’t know the joy
of the Holy Spirit that sustains hope. That is the risk run by the isolated
conscience. Of those who from the closed world of their Tarsis complain about
everything or, feeling their identity threatened, launch themselves into
battles only in the end to be still more self-concerned and self-referential.
What should
one do?
Look at our people not for what it should be but for what it is and see what is
necessary. Without preconceptions and recipes but with generous openness. For
the wounds and the frailty God spoke. Allowing the Lord to speak… In a world
that we can’t manage to interest with the words we say, only His presence that
loves us, saves us, can be of interest. The apostolic fervor renews itself in
order to testify to Him who has loved us from the beginning.
Francis and the Mystery of Reform
After Benedict's resignation and before Francis’ election I did a post that I must admit at the time felt very much against the tide. In
that post I suggested that there is a deep mystery to the process of reform and
I dared to hope that a reformist pope could be elected from a conclave of
cardinals who had all been named by John Paul or Benedict. I don’t often write
much worth remembering, but I think these quotes are worth recall:
Those who are certain of the theological direction of the next
pope would do well to remember that even a cursory look at the life of
Ratzinger/Benedict (RB) shows the difficulty in predicting the future choices
and attitudes of leaders of the Church. Surprise and irony abound…All of which
is to say that Catholic people and institutions change and develop and reverse
course in ways that are hard to predict. Reformers can become consolidators,
and the men who they appoint can become reformers. It is the cycle of Church
History that those consumed with the present can sometimes forget, thereby
closing themselves off to the possibility of surprise and reform.
We are of course only just into the
papacy of Francis and too much can be read into what everyone seems to agree
was an extraordinary opening week of ministry, but when it comes to Francis and
reform there is way more than just a week that can be pointed to as signs of
deep change coming. There are decades of service in Latin America that give
much reason to believe that what we have seen in the opening week of his papacy
is NOT stylistic but reflective of substantive change to come.
There are many incidents that could
be pointed to from the ministry of Cardinal Bergoglio, but for now I want to
draw attention to a 2007 interview that has received inadequate attention. I
would suggest that this interview displays a Cardinal bursting with reform
rooted in his Latin American context and grounded in his deep love for Christ.
I will do a series of posts from this interview and I hope that these words
will receive a wider hearing and will be considered by those like John Allen
who seem to want to tap down expectations of change.
Here, then, is Bergoglio on what I
would call the mystery of true of reform:
Precisely if
one remains in the Lord one goes out of oneself. Paradoxically precisely
because one remains, precisely if one is faithful one changes. One does not
remain faithful, like the traditionalists or the fundamentalists, to the
letter. Fidelity is always a change, a blossoming, a growth. The Lord brings
about a change in those who are faithful to Him. That is Catholic doctrine.
Saint Vincent of Lerins makes the comparison between the biologic development
of the person, between the person who grows, and the Tradition which, in handing
on the depositum fidei from one age to another, grows and consolidates
with the passage of time…
The early
theologians said: the soul is a kind of sailing boat, the Holy Spirit is the
wind that blows in the sail, to send it on its way, the impulses and the force
of the wind are the gifts of the Spirit. Without His drive, without His grace,
we don’t go ahead. The Holy Spirit lets us enter the mystery of God and saves
us from the danger of a gnostic Church and from the danger of a
self-referential Church, leading us to the mission.
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